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Barns and noble walk

I went to barns and noble today after work just look because I have no money to spend unless I would have bought a couple of books point being I was there for hour browsing  around looking at the same books and i Acuallly found a few that I liked and hope to read them soon,


books I saw were

Gated by  Amy Christine Parker 


Illuminate Aimee Agresti


Blythewood Carol Goodman


ReplicaJenna Black


The Sweetest Dark Shana Abe 



tell me are these books good .

Books I read that I own

if you seen my instagram you see that I have 104  Books and 105 Now  because of new book I got and today I have taken upon my self to see how many of them i have actually read and i am surprised by the number out of all the books I own I have  read 34 of them and 7 of them  I STOPPED have because they did did not interest me any more there are a lot of books that I have read that I do not own  because i have checked them out from the Library the books that I I have check out from there I want to buy because I LOVE THEM SO MUCH which means when I eventually buy that more books on my  shelf that I have read most of the books I buy are because of all the great things I hear about them on Booktube.

how Big is your TBR

how big is your TBR  because it seems mine keeps getting bigger and bigger ever day and never going down ever day it seems we all see a book we want to read and keep adding on and on and never reading one  occasionally we and  it goes down a littie but most of the time we read something else that is not on TBR list so list is as big as was before so again I ask how big is your TBR List I have a total of 917 books on mine and for a fact it got bigger to today because I kept seeing because online that interest me so had to add them and I don`t know if i will ever to them.

Book Blog Talks: Happy Books, Part Two

Reblogged from BookLikes:

On Tuesday we presented the first part of new BookLikes series Book Blog Talks. Our first talker is Sabrina from Happy Books. It's time now to reveal second part of our Q & A section (read first part here: Book Blog Talks: Happy Books, Part One). Happy reading!



I came across information that you usually start adventure with books from the very last page. That’s quite surprising, readers usually don’t want to know the ending before they start reading a given book. Is it different for you?


I love all kinds of spoilers because they don't spoil things for me. Knowing what will happen at the end of a book makes me more relaxed and able to get into a book. Otherwise I'm a very anxious reader and I constantly worry about what will happen at the end, so reading the ending of a book at first takes that pressure off me and makes it more probable that I will be able to open myself up to the story. My mum does the same, so I'm sure that loving spoilers and reading the end of a book at first or at least after the first several chapters is a hereditary thing. ;)


In your opinion, what does a book need to have to be a good book?


As long as a book manages to touch my heart, to make me feel deeply and allows me to connect with the main characters, it's a good book for me.


You read a lot. How do you pick books to read? Book covers, other reviews, family recommendations?


I discover a lot if interesting books online. Of course here on BookLikes, but also in Videos, in blog posts, at online bookstores and of course in real bookstores. Good, interesting covers are always a draw, but I also often listen to recommendations by other people who have a similar taste in books. And of course I love browsing through bookstores, I could spent hours there.


You read and talk about books. How book blogging (if at all) is different from book vlogging? Any hints for beginners?


I started book blogging in 2008 when the community was pretty small and I'm happy about that, because nowadays I think the scene can be a bit intimidating and cliquey. Running my book channel on Youtube feels a bit more relaxed to me, there are less norms people try to fit you in and so far I have experienced less drama on Youtube than I have in the book blogger world, but of course there are also cliques and things that certain people think are a must. I generally don't care what the "cool" people do or say, I just do my own thing and that has worked for me both on my blog and on my channel. For me it's all about having fun, meeting other readers and discussing good books.
I would tell beginners to find their own way, don't just duplicate what others are doing, find your own style and never forget that book blogging and vlogging are meant to be a joyful activity, only do what feels good to you and don't change because somebody says that your style, equipment, etc. is not good enough. Have fun, read good books and talk about them with other readers, nothing is more important.
Do you have books that totally won your heart
and you would recommend them without any hesitation?
The whole Bride Quartet by Nora Roberts, Angel's Fall by Nora Roberts, the J.D. Robb books, Franny & Zooey by J.D. Salinger, Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Anna and the French kiss & Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins, Eon & Eona by Alison Goodman, Unsticky & You don't have to say you love me by Sarra Manning, The good luck girl (aka Leaving Unknown) by Kerry Reichs, If I stay by Gayle Forman, Persuasion & Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and The language of flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh to name only a few.
I could go on with this list for a very long time. :)
Paper books or e-books? Why?
I love my paper books, I own an ereader but never use it. Sometimes I read on my smartphone but normally only when I have an eARC (advanced readers copy), other than that I prefer paper books. I love the smell and feeling of a paper book, I love the weight of it and the option to just browse through the pages. I love books with great designs and I love adding good books to my home library, so paper books are my true love.
Favorite reading place?
At home in my comfy seat, at night in bed or on the train, I get so much reading done when I'm on the train!
Any favorite quotes?
Sadly I'm horrible at remembering quotes, there is one German quote that I can remember because it made me very thoughtful - "Würde ist Sein im Konjuktiv", but this quote only works in German. The quote is from the play "Die sexuellen Neurosen unserer Eltern" by Lukas Bärfuss and as soon as I heard this little sentence I couldn't forget it. 
There is another quote I can remember and that love, it's part of a longer sentence and it's from "Kiss and Tell" by Linda Howard, it's "... but if his eyes saw any imperfections, his heart didn't care."
P.S. The BookLikes Team would also like to say warm and loud "Thank you!" to Sabrina for her help and support in German translations on BookLikes. You rock, Girl! :)

free books for Me

today i went on Amazon and bought a lot a free books for myself that i can Now read on phone for the kindle app or on my brother ipad I kindle app there because i am currently without one that I really want .what is the point of having one though because i currently own a now and have lot of books I love on there and on the kindle app but I rather have a Book in my hand then a device it is just not the same.

[REBLOG] 5 Ways to Get Cheap books

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Interesting post by Teenager Dreams



If you don't live in USA, you may have noticed that books in paperback or hardcover format are really expensive. (For example: Spain)


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Paperback format): $7,39



And Harry Potter and the Globet of Fire (Spanish version): Hardcover format (Because in Spain paperback format doesn't exist, you have to buy hardcover format yes or yes.): 23€ = $30,33...



 Can you see?! I have to spend millions for have 5 books!


For that reason I started thinking about ways to have cheap books. Someone can think 'Amazon' is the best option, it is not.  'Amazon' has the same prices of other shops. So I started (again) thinking about other ways to have cheap books and I found 5. Do you want to read them?!(ilegal things are not included)

After that you will have new ideas of get books!


5 ways of have cheap books:


5. Amazon: Used books section.

    I know I told you Amazon was a bad idea for buy books if you are not in USA, but sometimes you can get some cheap books in 'Used book section', if you find someone who lives in the same country as you



4. Books without copyright:


    Problem(?): You can't read new releases, only books which copyright is expired or books from non famous authors that share their book without any cost for you! (that's cool!)

      1. Proyecto Gutenberg

           'Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 free ebooks. Our ebooks are free because their copyright has expired. The webpace works with colaborators who become books in e-books. In his statement, is the freedom to publish and then use those books in which the reader considers reasonable, such as adapting the story into a play. It has an online catalog is easy to navigate and to download publications in different formats, depending on the reading device.


      2. Manybooks.net

        This website has a catalog of more than 29,000 available eBooks including formats for Kindle, Nook, iPad and most eReaders available on the market. You can filter by language titles to proceed to download. The publications are available for free under Creative Commons licence.


        3. Librodot

            This website collects about 11,000 royalty free books classic authors, little known or unpublished. Among its holdings are also scientific manuals and dissertations.



3. Giveaways on Booklikes:

    Cost: FREEEEEEEE (If you win the contest).

    In this section you can find books or ebooks that author of the giveaway (Usually Author of the giveaway is Author of the book), raffles the book between the people who participate in the giveaway. (If you are lucky as me, you can win a lot of new books, and meet a lot of new authors that maybe you are going to love).

In adiccition, when author sends you the book, you can ask him/her some questions about the book, about other books he/she has written...

And giveaway section woks really good! Authors always send the book! Even in paperback format!

It is amazing, right?!?!





2. Book Market and 'Daily deals' section!!


     In this kind of places you can have a considerable discount in the price of the books.There you can find new releases and you can find a big discount or just a discount in the book different from the ordinary book shops.

Price is not too low for considerate a 'cheap book' but I put this place in the number 2 because you can buy book have just released on market with a discount that you wouldn't find on ordinary book shops.


   - 'Daily deals' section! (Only for people who wants to buy on Amazon.com and Shipping costs aren't gigant...)



1. Ordinary Market


      Between clothes and food, you can find people selling books almost by free! The other day I was in a ordinary market, and there were a lot of people selling used books and I bought 13 books only for 14€!!!!

And the best thing of all if you find a book that you really like, you can negotiate the price! Always you can negociate the price! So maybe you can get a book for less than 1€ or $2! Amazing, right?!?!

This sellers sell all kind of books, maybe you find a new release or a book from 50's. I foound 'Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban' and 'Sex and the city'!!!! Only 1€ for each book! I found some books from Nicholas Sparks or the last book of Dan Brown!

In the market you can find almost a million of books! And if you are a lover of old books, omg this is the heaven for you! and if you love new releases is a heaven for you too!!!

Maybe you can't go with a preliminar idea of what you would like to buy, you have to go with no idea about what you will buy, just with the idea: I am gonna buy books!  And you have to look for among books and books, and I am sure you will find a treasure!!!!






sea breaze series

I have a lot of favorite books but this is the recent series that I have fallen in love with.let`s just say i am glad i pick up this series because the minute i pick up book i fell in love with it and it does not seem to take me long to finish the book because it is so good and the moment i finish the book I want to buy the next one read it because this book series is that good I have only read the fist two books in the series but believe me I will own this and finish this book series before you know it.

Spotted! Bits and Pieces

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Spotted on BookLikes. Enjoy!

Click on names and photos to go to blogs.




It's Monday. What are you reading? 


(un)Conventional Bookviews reveals Currently reading Shelf and recently Read books. And what are you reading right now?



Paper books or ebooks? Electric Library is definitely in favor of paper books and makes a list Why I Will Probably Never Buy an eReader. How about you?



from The Rise of the eReader (and What It Means for Traditional Bookstores) - sureasmel.booklikes.com



17 problems, which understand only book lovers



Discover all 17 on Sarah Says Read blog.



Books2day asks "is it really worth the extra price to stay in a place named after an author?" after Guardian. 





OK, we all are avid readers but apart from books do you have 10 book related things every book lover should have?



 -  and great custom design:-)


Summer's Sizzling Series by Hesperia Loves Books:


Every Tuesday & Friday, between now and Labor Day, we're featuring our favorite series', paired with great summertime cocktail/beverage recipes for you to enjoy while reading. So sit back, relax, find some new books and enjoy a cocktail.... 


We know it's Monday but we love cocktails and good book series all week long :)




Only truth about books:


I ♥ books

 spotted on thecraftyhome.booklikes.com




on  karen's blog; we love it!


youtube vids

so here is the thing i like making youtube videos to post all my inner thoughts about the books i adore and love and i know they are not the best as everyone else out there i would like to get least one viewer beacuase right now i am not getting any so please people give me a change and watch and least one of my videos